I say 15 months but at the same time sometimes you seem like you are three. You have developed a tremendous amount during the last three months!:
You are so active, so much so that
I am exhausted by 'ni-ni' time. You love to dance, run in place, spin in circles, throw balls, golf, swim, pull & push toys, build your Legos, run and climb around the playground, swim (kick & splash), climb up and down (with help) the stairs, crawl thru/underneath furniture, romp over cushions. We are working on somersaults (you put your head on the ground), twisting, and jumping (which you think is so funny when mommy does it). You like to follow commands such as touching different appliances in the kitchen, wiggling fingers or touching body parts, turning on/off lights, going to a particular place,or even cleaning up certain things. You are almost running when you walk- you can fly across the playroom. You can't get enough of hide-and-seek and chase around the house, and I can no longer move fast enough on my knees to outpace your walking. All this said, your naps are way off, which makes it next to impossible to schedule playdates. You seem to prefer to nap late morning and stay up ALL afternoon, but we are slowly working on progressing you to 1-3ish (I'd be lucky if I could get you to nap from even 11-1 right now).
You are beginning to speak, and probably sometimes words that only I can understand, but we can't wait till you can tell us exactly what you want. Your favorite word is 'ca' (car), but you also say, "ma-ma, da-da, ni-ni (night), kuck (truck), co (corn), guh (golf), ah (airplane)'. Your favorite sound is 'neh-nay, neh-nay' for firetruck and will say it whenever you see a firetruck/toy, but you can also say, 'E-E-E' for a monkey, 'nay-nay' for horse, and 'mew-mew' for cat. You are working on roaring and barks but they might take awhile. It is amazing how much you understand- directions, commands, and while you can't respond yet, you know exactly what I am saying or requesting. I adore reading your word books to you and you get up from my lap to go touch or point to the actual object around the house! Your babbling is hysterical. You have moments where you just 'talk' and I haven't a clue, especially in your carseat! And, we are working on the body parts, and so far you know: ear, nose, mouth, belly, toes, feet, head, fingers. How can I forget singing. You hum along to music and even just started trying to sing along to Happy Lemons by Ralph's World, "lllaaa, lalla". I hear that he's in concert in a couple months- haha.
Your far-and-few between quiet moments: scribbling with crayons or outside chalk, reading books to yourself, playing with your trucks or puzzles, organizing & stacking items, playing with your ton of magnets. You absolutely love to read, in fact, when we go to the library you are more interested in looking at books than playing with all the neat toys. We read ALL day long. You sit on my lap for storytime and we read 3-6 books in one sitting. And it is so cute watching you 'read' your books when you don't know I am looking in on you. Your absolute favorites are: Trucks Roll by Craig Frazier, Baby Colors by Rachael Hale, Tugga-Tugga Tugboat by Kevin Lewis. These are the books you read several times each day and have made me renew for about the last half year (maybe it's about time I actually go buy them!). You certainly have developed noticeable preferences for books, toys, games, etc.- I can't wait to see how these change during the next year.
E just went to his first circus, a little treat for us from Grandmom R.
I made sure to have him run out all his energy before the show, which is now a must before anything we go to that requires sitting still for 5+min ;)
Given his vocabulary, you might be able to understand why I am a bit hesitant to have him say one of his favorite objects- clock.
It was a gorgeous day for browsing The Arboretum in South Barrington after stopping by to see Daddy for lunch.
L.L. Bean had the cutest selection of helmets for infant/toddlers.
We are currently looking for one for E since we got the bike trailer.
* You are such a helper! You help me unload the dishwasher- hand me silverware and bowls, and sort your spoons in the compartments, push in the drawers and close the door (thank goodness it has child lock feature on it); you put your dirty dishes in the dishwasher drawer or on the counter (yes, you can put on and take things off the counter); you hand me your dishes when you are done eating and help wipe your 'table' with the washcloth; carry your bowls and sippy cups to the designated spots; put your laundry in your laundry basket after you wait for me to open your closet; you help me with laundry (sorting/playing with clothes) and like to push them into the dryer when I hand you them, or put them in the basket after they are done in the dryer; you like to get the mail from the mailbox and sort thru it all; clean up your toys with direction; you love to put things in the garbage or recycling, sometime to a fault when you want to put woodchips in the garbage (maybe too much motherly encouragement), you will even find an object on a ground and bring it to me to see if it needs to be thrown away; you insist on throwing away your dirty diapers in the garbage cans and walk diligently to toss them in, and even help pull wipes out for mommy and put extra back in the bin (keeps you from freaking out when I change you). Anything I say will 'help Mommy' and you are all ears- it is a great distracter! Ha. And for the little things you try to help out with: putting on your shoes/taking them off, wiping your self and 'trying' to put on your diaper. You cracked me up the other day when you saw my clothes on the ground and carried them all the way to your bedroom closet to put them in the laundry basket!
*Other Tidbits: You had your first haircut on your 14 Month birthday. I finally worked up the courage after several weeks to trim you hair. You had 3in long hair in several spots, but I left the curls in the back. You finally crawled (hystercially unexciting). You use a spoon to eat, and sometimes a fork. You are capable of drinking out of an open-lid cup, but regardless of the Pediatrician's recommendation, we think it is ridiculous to have a 12mth old using anything besides a sippy, so we just took out the spill seal so you don't have to 'suck' from the cup; but, we'll probably give you regular cups by 18mths. You have tons of teeth- your 15-18th teeth are coming thru now, and I'm sure I'm missing others. You do a great job brushing your teeth, but don't like me brushing them anymore. Bibs, no more!!! We are finally able to get away with a semi-drooly shirt!! You are such a drooly baby, but it has finally slowed down.
Tickle time with Daddy- oh how you laugh!
The last couple months have been bittersweet- you don't need me every second to hold on to you, and while I've been waiting for this moment (Daddy would say this in other words), you are not a 'baby' anymore: you shake off my hand when you don't want/need me to hold onto it (at least you reach out for me when you get to a curb or stairs); no more changing you laying down, or swaddling you in your towel after your bath (you just streak right on out of the bathroom), even with your shoes you are learning to step in/out of; holding and snuggling you as I read you your bedtime book is now 'explore my bedroom in the dark' time, and you won't even rest still enough in my arms for me to sing you one verse of Twinkle-Twinkle before I lay you down in the crib. You are, though, so lovey and full of kisses, hugs, cuddles, smiles and giggles and still want me by your side every second of the day. Oh, but you have your moments, for instance: your two-year old like tantrums that we have chosen to ignore; fussing and making obnoxious noise to get Mommy's attention whenever she is talking to someone other than you, including Daddy; being in a sort when teething or tired; and whimpering as soon as you realize that I'm not with you every second (we'll be working on more 'self-directed' play-time the next three months- hint, hint). You are such a sweet lovey, happy, healthy, curious little boy, and Daddy and I can't believe how blessed we are! You are such a joy!