What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

SUPERMAN or the next KARATE KID????

We think it is pretty funny how E balances when he walks on his own. He looks like Superman or the Karate Kid. Here he is doing some toddling around the house. Igonore the painting and drywalling we've got going on. We finally had to install a baby gate to the family room stairs. Fortunately we only need it up when he's upstairs, and only until he masters going up and down the stairs by himself. We've always found it obnoxious (especially when we didn't have kids) when people have baby gates up all over their houses (Do they really not watch their kids enough??). His new thing with walking is trying to 'shake'/let go of our hands if we are holding on to one of his. He very much wants to walk on his own most of the time. We went to IKEA for a couple of things yesterday and he just had a BLAST walking around, waving to people, and looking out over the balconies. We couldn't believe how much walking he did for his age! He was a tired out little boy when we got home.

1 comment:

  1. wow...can't believe he is walking so well. They don't slow down.


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