What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy 11 Month B-day, Little One!

Happy 11 month birthday to our little E!!!!! Can't believe he'll be one in just a month. He is cruising and walking with his walker, though all over the place. He is getting better and better at going up the stairs and 'stepping'/climbing up on low platforms. His appetite has finally started to regulate and is eating less and less. He loves his bananas, vanilla yogurt, pears, spaghetti, mac n cheese, and wants anything that Mommy and Daddy are eating. He is able to drink out of a regular cup, but still uses a sippy cup to avoid a waterfall. I got rid of the sippy cups with handles because they are pointless (why does he need handles if he was capable of holding his own bottle at 1mth??!). He loves to laugh and giggle, and imitate M&D's laughs. He is in to everything- some cabinets are getting locks, and he can seemingly get to anything on the corner of tables. He enjoys trying to put puzzle pieces and shapes into their corresponding holes, loves his colors, shapes, reading and flipping the pages of his books, sorting (I think my pickiness has worn off on him). He is starting to get to the 'stranger anxiety' phase- he's gotten clingy to Mommy even around people he knows. He loves music and jiggles his little legs (dances) to the beat. He knows a ton of words and commands, and will 'sometimes' pick up and/or search for a particular object when prompted. We believe he just started saying "Daddy/Da Da". He is great at taking things in/out, turning on/off the lights, opening/closing. He finally rolled from tummy to back just the other day (this kid is on his own schedule), and I've even watched him sit himself up (I still really don't know how he did it). His naps are all over the place since he is starting to transition from 2 to 1 naps a day, and they vary in length. As long as he feels rested is all that matters. When he gets 'cranky' we tell him he needs to go 'percolate'. I think he's grown 1-2 inches just in the last month. He no longer fits under desks/tables without bumping his head. It's amazing how big he is getting and how much he has grown/learned just within the past month!!! It's hard to believe that it will already be a year next month!

E's 11th Month Photo.

This was the best I could get;)
And, these pretty much shows exactly what he is like at 11 months- just wanting to 'go, go, go'! Forget about sitting still.

I hope you find the following video hysterically amusing. Nothing sweeter than his incredible smile and laughter!

Fisher-Price recently came out with a retro collection of toys- 1980's- guess that makes me retro too. Ha. But, I love seeing some of the toys from my childhood, especially the jack-in-the-box which used to scare the heck out of me. However, my little guy has got it all figured out. I wonder if I can sneak this into his stash of b-day gifts without Daddy knowing (teehee).

1 comment:

  1. love the laugh at end! happy 11 months, wow time has flown by.


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