What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Birthday Planning

I am so excited about E's first birthday, more than I ever thought I would be. I've been planning and working on decorations since... well, let's just just say for about a year. I know that first birthdays are supposed to be quaint and simple- but, I'm way too thrilled to celebrate our first son's first year and how precious he is to us!!!!!!!!!!
Of course we are going with a bit of his nursery nautical theme, but mainly just blue/brown. One of his baby showers had the absolute cutest handmade invites and I just had to use the idea for his 1st birthday invitations. I tried to find store invitations, but I had invisioned such a custom look that I ended up making them myself using the paper print from his nursery. After spending a month making them, they turned out perfectly. Though, I know I'll never have this much time again to make invitations (or, spend planning and decorating for a party). Our office has become party decorating headquarters.

This was the adorable invite from one of his baby showers.

And, this is the front of his 1st birthday invitation.

Just too cute!

I finally bought a birthday outfit, after a much amusing debate with the hubby. I found a fabulous boutique website with precious clothing, and had my heart set on this little number (not like I didn't like everything else): www.hiccupschildrensboutique.com/bosmblrooupe.html

What little one year old boy wouldn't look adorable in this?!!? I showed B the outfit. He didn't like it. Then he read the description: "...faggoting on the collar.". He proceeded with the following comment, "Yeah, he'll look like one too!" Haha.

So, as much as I had my heart set on this little outfit, I have to admit, B made me laugh. After an attempt to try to get him to like some Jon Jons, rompers, bubbles, he pretty much banned me from ever 'dressing' little E up like, well, a 'girl'. Hahaaha

Anyone else think this little romper is just cute?!

Thanks to my sweet Cousin, he's got a collection of darling Strausburg Jon Jons, rompers, short-alls to wear in a couple years. And, I can't wait for him to wear them! Cheers.

Needless to say, I compromised with a pair of seersucker trousers. (Ha- I know what you are thinking Emmalee ;) )

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