What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

When he's ready!!

Mommy & C at 36weeks.

Don't I look tired- Ha

Pregnancy Highlights:

How far Along: 36 weeks, measuring 36weeks.

Size of Baby: ~18.5in, 6lbs

Total Weight Gain: Let's just say less than I had gained with E. Maternity Clothes: Love the maternity tanks for extra support and under shorter shirts.

Gender: It's another sweet boy!!!!

Name: Colin Emerson B.

Movement: He slowed down noticeably, probably just change of position or way he settled.

Sleep: Anytime I can get it. Since becoming pregnant I've learned how to fall asleep within a split second of baby sleeping. Never know how long they will sleep for or when your next opportunity for some shut-eye will happen!

What I miss: Where do I begin?!?!? Coloring and styling my hair.

Cravings: popsicles, sherbet, Refresh flavored water, tonic water with lime or lemon.

Symptoms: Tired and hungry ALL the time. Contractions have really started kicking in, some tighter than others, and some points of the day worse than others. My hips feel like they are going to crumble (doctor even recommended that I go in for physical therapy and hip support. I say just have the baby.)

Best Moments: Feeling him move, his knees totally poking out of my sides so that I have to push him back in, hiccups. E is just ecstatic that his baby brother is going to 'pop' out (he tries pushing down on my tummy to try and get C. to come out- ha).

Today I had my 37week checkup and it looks like things are progressing well. Let's just say that at this point with E I was already hooked up to epidural!!!!! I'm 70% effaced, -1station, and (beat the drums) 3.5+cm!!!!! Doctor even suggested that C. might be ready to come into the world sometime this week, and that he seems to be smaller than E. I'm thrilled that I've been able to make it this far without feeling any 'pain'. Unlike with E, my water pin-pricked Sunday afternoon, we went to my 41week prenatal Monday morning, told to go to the hospital in afternoon, was loaded up with pitocin to induce labor since I was having NO contractions, had IV pain killer at 1cm, epidural shortly after, midwife finished breaking my water, and then E was born Tuesday afternoon. I think he would have stayed in a couple of days longer if he wasn't 'forced' out. It's amazing how two pregnancies can be completely different, and I'm just thrilled that as of right now I've actually dilated without any 'intolerable' pain!! I might just make it through this one ;)

On a side note, my mom was in the hospital with me when Prince Charles and Diana were married. My baby book/box has lots of royal wedding related articles in it. Prince William and Kate are getting married on the 29th. How neat would it be if I'm in the hospital with C. then?!?! Either way, I know what's going in C's baby box- ha.

All I know is that C will come when he is ready and, although his nursery is not quite finished, that I am ready whenever he is!!!

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