What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, April 17, 2011

April Foolery

Well what we didn't want to happen happened: we got all the way to the hospital Saturday night only to find out that I was in false labor.  What I thought was my water broke around 4:00.  B was at our friend's wedding (oddly enough, which I had told them months ago I wouldn't be able to make it because I knew I wouldn't be in any great condition) and the ceremony was just about to begin when he got the call.  The midwife told us to wait an hour or so to see how the contractions progressed.  The painful contractions started kicking in around 6:00.  We were able to get E to bed, and the neighbors settled.  Around 7:30 we left to the hospital, a 40 min drive, during which I was pretty uncomfortable.  By the time we arrived, the contractions were 5min apart.  I was ready for C, although I knew it was really early for him to come.  I was admitted, hooked up to machines, tests, etc., only to find out after a couple hours that things were easing up and 'real' labor just wasn't imminent.  OHhhhhh. 

***If that wasn't the 'real' thing, I'm really not look forward to it!!!!!!!!***

1 comment:

  1. 9 more days...yippy! Hang in there...false alarms are the worst feeling ever when it comes to birth. we had one also, it was so humiliating for me. The walk of Shame back to the car <>. But, at the same time I was glad he didn't come yet...I know you are savoring EVERYDAY/Minute with Ethan. Praying for your family and thinking about you everyday. Hugs!


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