What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, April 25, 2011

He's Here!!!!

Colin Emerson B.   
April 23, 2011   9:49pm
8lbs 6oz 21in

Sunday, April 17, 2011

April Foolery

Well what we didn't want to happen happened: we got all the way to the hospital Saturday night only to find out that I was in false labor.  What I thought was my water broke around 4:00.  B was at our friend's wedding (oddly enough, which I had told them months ago I wouldn't be able to make it because I knew I wouldn't be in any great condition) and the ceremony was just about to begin when he got the call.  The midwife told us to wait an hour or so to see how the contractions progressed.  The painful contractions started kicking in around 6:00.  We were able to get E to bed, and the neighbors settled.  Around 7:30 we left to the hospital, a 40 min drive, during which I was pretty uncomfortable.  By the time we arrived, the contractions were 5min apart.  I was ready for C, although I knew it was really early for him to come.  I was admitted, hooked up to machines, tests, etc., only to find out after a couple hours that things were easing up and 'real' labor just wasn't imminent.  OHhhhhh. 

***If that wasn't the 'real' thing, I'm really not look forward to it!!!!!!!!***

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

When he's ready!!

Mommy & C at 36weeks.

Don't I look tired- Ha

Pregnancy Highlights:

How far Along: 36 weeks, measuring 36weeks.

Size of Baby: ~18.5in, 6lbs

Total Weight Gain: Let's just say less than I had gained with E. Maternity Clothes: Love the maternity tanks for extra support and under shorter shirts.

Gender: It's another sweet boy!!!!

Name: Colin Emerson B.

Movement: He slowed down noticeably, probably just change of position or way he settled.

Sleep: Anytime I can get it. Since becoming pregnant I've learned how to fall asleep within a split second of baby sleeping. Never know how long they will sleep for or when your next opportunity for some shut-eye will happen!

What I miss: Where do I begin?!?!? Coloring and styling my hair.

Cravings: popsicles, sherbet, Refresh flavored water, tonic water with lime or lemon.

Symptoms: Tired and hungry ALL the time. Contractions have really started kicking in, some tighter than others, and some points of the day worse than others. My hips feel like they are going to crumble (doctor even recommended that I go in for physical therapy and hip support. I say just have the baby.)

Best Moments: Feeling him move, his knees totally poking out of my sides so that I have to push him back in, hiccups. E is just ecstatic that his baby brother is going to 'pop' out (he tries pushing down on my tummy to try and get C. to come out- ha).

Today I had my 37week checkup and it looks like things are progressing well. Let's just say that at this point with E I was already hooked up to epidural!!!!! I'm 70% effaced, -1station, and (beat the drums) 3.5+cm!!!!! Doctor even suggested that C. might be ready to come into the world sometime this week, and that he seems to be smaller than E. I'm thrilled that I've been able to make it this far without feeling any 'pain'. Unlike with E, my water pin-pricked Sunday afternoon, we went to my 41week prenatal Monday morning, told to go to the hospital in afternoon, was loaded up with pitocin to induce labor since I was having NO contractions, had IV pain killer at 1cm, epidural shortly after, midwife finished breaking my water, and then E was born Tuesday afternoon. I think he would have stayed in a couple of days longer if he wasn't 'forced' out. It's amazing how two pregnancies can be completely different, and I'm just thrilled that as of right now I've actually dilated without any 'intolerable' pain!! I might just make it through this one ;)

On a side note, my mom was in the hospital with me when Prince Charles and Diana were married. My baby book/box has lots of royal wedding related articles in it. Prince William and Kate are getting married on the 29th. How neat would it be if I'm in the hospital with C. then?!?! Either way, I know what's going in C's baby box- ha.

All I know is that C will come when he is ready and, although his nursery is not quite finished, that I am ready whenever he is!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

To the Beach!!

First gorgeous day of the year, and I just had to take E to the beach, our favorite lake, Lake Arlington. Would have made it out to Evanston to Lighthouse Beach but I'm in no condition to travel that far (it took all my effort just to walk from the parking lot to the beach). E was thrilled to bring his bucket and shovel and dig in the sand. "...to dig the sandy shore."

(Robert Stevenson) "O Captain, My Captain!" (Walt Whitman)
Tonight is E's first night sleeping without beloved Teddy.

His second eye came out this afternoon, and then E broke open Teddy's stomach and discovered a bead. Not sure who was sadder that he might have to put Teddy in his baby box- me or him.
For now, he is sleeping with the bear B gave me when we were dating. I've always kept it for one of our kids.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

To My Baby Brother, Colin

'Ca', I'm ready for you to 'pop' out of Mommy's tummy so that I can 'ug' & kiss you, show you my 'cas' and 'kucks', and share my 'boo-k' storytimes with you. I have been waiting and waiting, and Mommy just keeps getting bigger. I'm really excited to meet you. Mommy has said that that you are my very special birthday gift. We talk about you, read big brother 'boo-ks', and we've spent lots of time getting your room ready. It's right down the hall from mine! I've even tested out your crib, and the blanket and bumper are so soft. I 'boun' in it everyday and throw my 'deddys' in it and make Mommy 'kuck' them in. And, Mommy made you a mobile just like mine, and I even helped to pick out the ribbons! I can't wait to show you where everything is and how to get into everything. Mommy's already put your 'di' (diapers) in their own drawer 'nex' to mine- they are so small compared to mine. All your toys are in your 'ba' (basket). I have been playing with them and showing them to you through Mommy's tummy. I'll even help you pick up your toys! I can't wait to play with my 'cas' & 'kucks' with you. I try to show them to you all the time under Mommy's shirt. She says that you think they are 'coo'. I apologize for all the bumps, sudden pokes, and tickles that you may have felt. One time I poked you really hard with my lightsaber, and it also hurt Mommy, too. And another time Mommy was having so much fun chasing me around the ottoman that she forgot about you and dove on her tummy. I think I might have chucked a couple of 'cas' your way as well. 'Ooop'! At least I have given you many kisses and 'ugs'. I love kissing Mommy's belly and hugging it because I know you can feel them. Sometimes I just kiss you and not Mommy. I've even shared my very special 'Deddy' with you, rubbing it on Mommy's belly. You are going to need a special 'deddy' too. Mommy and Daddy are so much fun and they will give you lots of kisses and hugs as well! I'm so excited to meet you, Ca, and to be your big brother! But, please hurry. I'm ready to sit on Mommy's lap for storytime again and have her give me horsey rides like Daddy. I love you, 'E'

Monday, April 4, 2011

Mommy's Memories

It's amazing how much changes in the daily life of a toddler, yet alone how much they change, grow, and develop in just a month!! There are so many things that I want to remember about E's past couple months, and what he knows, does, says by 23months of age. Our little one is growing up so fast (even though there are moments when it seems like eternity).

* Thus far our biggest 'parenting' hurdle was E's sleep issue that took 2months+ to resolve! After barely sleeping/napping for days and freaking out every time we would try to leave his room, our amazing sleeper simply couldn't sleep. For a couple weeks we tried many things: letting him cry, staying with him, holding & sleeping with him, revamping the routine, sleeping on the floor, putting his mattress on the floor, etc. Nothing would give and none of us had much sleep (hmm, sounds like a newborn). Then one day on our way to the grocery store, E passed out in his carseat and he slept the entire grocery trip cuddled in B's arms. The following day I put him in the carseat, got some lunch on the go, and then drove to a park and he just slept for an hour in his carseat. Ok, so he still had the ability to sleep. The next day, I got him to sleep in his crib for an hour and then he woke up and I took him downstairs to fall asleep in the couch with him....

...for four hours....

...this little one caught up on some sleep!

Weeks went by, we got him to nap and sleep periodically by himself. My tummy grew too big to put E in the crib without him realizing I was laying him down. So, we converted his crib to the toddler bed, and that little guy loved going to bed- just with us sitting/laying by his side for 1-3hrs. Another couple weeks, B and I are finally able to whisper to him about his day, kiss him goodnight, pat his back and leave his room.

At 23months, E:

* Loves to dance, sing, play guitar, and turns off/on his own music, or 'mu' as he calls it.

* Very intrested in alphabet letters: can say a lot of them, loves the alphabet song (especially from Super Why), can identify several of them, points out letters he knows in signs, pictures, books, or on the sanitary drain cover (ha).

* He's particular about his toys- legos need to go in certain spots, etc.

* Loves his big boy bed and showing it/his room off to his friends, neighbors, family. He also loves showing off 'Ca's" room as well.

* Has the occasional toddler tantrums. 'FFR + Toddlerese'= quick fix! He also seems to calm down very well if I give him brief, realistic explanations of why he can't do/touch/etc.

* He likes coloring again. Colors and colors over pictures, likes me to color along side of him. He can now 'draw' a circle and straight line, and we are working on 'x's'. We drew a picture of the family (need to post a pic) and he just adores it!

* He got his first jigsaw puzzle a month ago- thought he would have a tough time with it (it's 12pcs), and he surprised me with how well he can do it himself. Will have to get him more.

* He likes blasting off, or 'blah', when we count down from 10, or pretends to fly like a spaceship or aircraft, especially into his booster seat.

* Daddy's horsey rides are his favorite. Though he just adores his Daddy and wants to spend every second with him that he is home, so much that I kind of feel left out.

* He knows tons of body parts, and knows a few in Spanish. Teaching him armpit, but he can't seem to reach his- hysterical.

Teddy is now the one-eyed-bandit with no nose. So loved!

* He is into rainbows. He is thrilled when he sees the rainbow prisms on the wall in the living room each morning, and he loves the rainbow song from Cat-in-the-Hat.

* I thought he might be colored blind, but then one day I gave him a new stack of take-toss cups/lids. When I went to check up on him he had matched the cups with the lids and then had grouped them by color. So much for thinking he was color blind! Still can't get him to correctly point/pick out a colored object to save my life.

* He puts on imaginary guitar concerts for our neighbors. He makes 'guitar noises', pretends to strum, dances and spins around, bobs his head. I have NO idea where he got it from.

* He is dearly attached to our two neighbor ladies and they just dote on him. He sprints over to their house and invites himself in whenever he gets a chance.

* He has bedtime preferences of who puts him to bed- sometimes it's mommy and sometimes it's daddy. He will usually escort the loser out- hahaha- at least with a goodnight kiss & 'ug'.

* Good grief, he can open up doors. Including the front door- yikes. More childproofing.

* He is finally blowing kiss (need video) like a walrus/seal, gives huge smooches on the lips, and strong bear hugs.

* When asked how old he is he will tell you, 'ewwww'.

* Rolls down hills. Thankfully he got the jist of this himself since I can't currently show him how.

* He's been out on the playgrounds a couple of times since the weather has warmed up. It is amazing how quicker, stronger, and with more ease that he gets around the playground compared to last fall!

* He says "NO!" to everything. It is the cutest. He doesn't know the difference, but we are teaching him. He shakes his head with the most adorable look. If you ask him if he wants one of his favorite things he says, 'No'. Awwwww!

* He LOVES to read!!!! Loves the library. Loves to read in the car. It is the most adorable sight to look in the rear-view mirror and see our little scholar reading his ABC dictionary or just engrossed in a storybook.

* He helps sort laundry: darks/lights and puts socks or washclothes in a pile.

* Has total preference for his footwear, pjs, coats and mittens. The kid knows what he likes!

* He loves to put on his own boots and clogs and come get Mommy to take him outside whenever he pleases.

* He really likes adults. He will/has randomly walked up to people in stores/outings, takes their hands and wants them to follow or play with him. Thankfully most are willing participants ;)

* He is showing more signs of potty training, though I wasn't even considering it for many more months. He insists on joining us in the bathroom, usually sits on the little garbage can as if it is a potty and sometimes makes sound effects. And he will now point to or go get a diaper and lay down, or say 'dih' (dirty) and touch his tushie if he needs a diaper change. I'm in no hurry on the potty training issue, but this might change when we have 2 tushies to diaper. As of the end of February, E had the most precious curls. Just like Mommy's and Daddy's when we were little. His hair curls very well at 2.5-3in of length. It has since, sadly, been trimmed.

* E was back to the ER a couple weeks ago. He dislocated his elbow going down his Little Tike slide too fast in his fleece sleeper in the playroom. Who would have thought?! His arm was completely limp and he cried in pain until 10minutes after the doctor slightly bent his arm and twisted it a couple times. Supposedly something called a nursemaid elbow. At least it wasn't a broken arm or another forehead bullseye right before his birthday again! B was never so willing to pay a hospital copay ;)

* If he doesn't make us oh-so-proud everyday, this one day just made my heart swell! E's buddy came over to play. He has never been excited to see one of his friends or really attached to any other kids yet. Well, he was just ecstatic when he saw Eli and gave him a bear hug and kiss as soon as he got to the door. And then the kisses and hugs never ended, making mommy a bit jealous, and Eli a bit uncomfortable- Ha. And the poor little thing had a tough time: not feeling well, bumping his head several times and falling/tripping on our stairs. Our Little E, was so sweet. He made Eli laugh after he hurt himself by banging his own head on the wall or pretending to fall down. And, he even tried to catch/break Eli's fall one time down the stairs by holding out his arms. I was/am astonished at how sympathetic E was, and I couldn't be more proud of him. I really do hope he is always this loving and concerned for his friends!

Happy 23 months, E!!! No matter how quick you grow, learn, become independent, and share your love, you will always be my Little One. Hopefully I get to enjoy the next month with you still as my baby.
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