Wow. We just had Ethan's 9month checkup yesterday, and the doctor said that he is incredibly healthy, active, and very happy. He was so cute- he giggled and laughed the whole time. The doctor made us laugh when she said that most babies his age hate getting checked, and he just laid on the table smiling away, enjoyed playing with the crinkle paper, flirted with her and wanted to play with her shiny scope. Checkups are so much fun!
We were astonished with his weight and height. Major changes. We were expecting him to be approximately...25lbs...., and were amazed that he has lost 1.5 pounds the last month, down to a nice 22lbs. I noticed a significant change in his appetite when he went to essentially all finger foods start of January. Since he has more control of how much/and when food goes into his mouth, he's regulated the intake quantity. He seems to weigh so much, but after we found out that he has grown an inch as well the last month, it is no surprise. Must be all the walking he's been doing lately- he's now cruising about '5 laps' in every which direction before he wants to just stand.
His stats: 22lbs, 29.25in
As of this morning, he finally pulled up on his own. He's totally had the ability/know how for the last two months, but would only pull-up holding onto mommy. Doctor said he was getting used to me too much (aka. smothering him in loving attention) so I set him down this morning, let him whimper a couple times (which makes me sad to hear), and finally .... ta da... he did it holding onto something other than mommy. What a little stinker.
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