What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, September 24, 2010

Which costume should E wear for Halloween???

E's first Halloween was such a blast, and we LOVED that everyone helped to vote for E's very first costume!
Our little lobster.
"Look what we cooked up!"

So, we've decided to have everyone let us know which costume you'd love to see E dressed up in for his second trick-or-treating. DON'T FORGET TO VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE- either on the poll (left side of blog) or by leaving an anonymous comment (click comment button at bottom of post)!!! Leave a comment if you have any other cute ideas. Here are our top picks:
Yoda- (The force is strong with this one)
Puppy- (Mommy's always wanted one)
Lemur- ("No, I am King E.)
Puss in Boot- (Don't under-estimate the adorable face.)

Sock Monkey- (Is he a monkey or just addicted to bananas?)
Customized costume by Mommy & Daddy...
Big Brother t-shirt- (What could possibly be scarier than...
E not having a lifelong playmate?!?!
The blue circle says "E"; the green circle says "Big Brother"!!!!)
Yes, regardless of which costume wins, E is going to go trick-or-treating as a BIG BROTHER!!!! Baby 2 is on its way!
Don't forget to vote for your favorite pick!!!!


  1. ok...don't want to ask a stupid question but is that a custom shirt because you guys are expecting #2...yippy!

  2. Are you guys trying to tell us all something???


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