What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, July 24, 2010

One of THOSE mornings

How do I begin?
1. Popped my head outside to see if the grass had magically turned green over night from all the rain we DESPERATELY needed. Oh, there's water leaking between the storm door and front door. Not much, just enough to irk me.
2. Went upstairs to get diapers for the little one to discover that the toilet is backed up. Not my turn to deal with that one.
3. Took E downstairs to play. He currently loves walking on cushions (mattresses, sectional, playmats) so I made him a mosh pit in the middle of the playroom which he loves! It ended when he got a slight carpet-burn on his forehead (it wasn't his last bump on the forehead today).
4. While he was playing I noticed that the familyroom curtain was 'wet'. hmmm. Wait, why is my foot wet, too?! Well, our basement had a bit of a leak last night from all the rain. And, essentially, there went my relaxing morning I had planned on. I hurried around for the next hour cleaning up, throwing away ruined 'stuff', ripping carpet, turning on fans, all while listening to E whine hysterically for attention in the background. One corner of our basement carpet (closest to his toys) is completely soaked, and pretty much needs to/should be replaced. We later ran to HD for a $200 dehumidifier and room deodorizers. What a mess!

But, I was determined not to let it ruin the rest of our day and the fun activity I had planned on for a couple weeks. Carpet can always be replaced, a good day cannot.

The nearby executive airport hosted an open house, and seeing how much E is into planes right now I just had to take him (though we missed Daddy not being able to go with us!).

They had WWII aircraft which I was really into. Families could pay money to tour them, and I would have loved to, but E is just too young.

E loves watching all the private/ luxury jets that fly overhead.
He got to touch an actual one today! He was thrilled.
Maybe the next Maverick- Ha ;)
He even got to see the airport firetrucks and ambulances and kept saying, 'Neh-nay, neh-nay!'.

While I would love for this morning to not have happened...
... I just take one look at this deep-sleeping cutie and smile...

...adore the look on his face as I shake my head close to his, and know that everything is fixable, and it won't be the last home repairs we have to deal with (certainly isn't our first).

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