What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!!!!

Happy 1st Father's Day
to a Most Incredible Husband and Daddy!!!!!

We always new that we wanted a little one of us...
...but no one told us what we were in for when we stepped through the labor & delivery doors...

Thank you for...

...all the support and comfort throughout the pregnancy and birth: for putting up with the mood swings, all the not-so-glamorous woman issues, the weight gain, being so excited about our first child, keeping the house clean without being asked, making sure I got home from work safe and sound, for seeing me through and holding my hand every second of our son's birth...

...loving me at first sight...

...endless cuddles and calming my cries...

...making the bottles and helping out with 'feedings'

(I'm a hungry growing boy)...

...countless hours and dedication to work (we really miss you when you're gone!)...

...all the splish-splash times and making sure I look my best...

...giving me something to hold on to...

...taking over wee hour of the morning feedings when you get home from a late night at work so mommy can get some much needed sleep (she really appreciates it)....

...showing me how to fish, and the years we'll share trying to catch the big one....

...comforting me through the not so fun pediatrican appointments and making sure I grow up healthy....

....all the singing and introducing me to music

(since we all know mom can't carry a tune)...

...just being an amazing father.

Happy 1st Father's Day!!!!!

We love you sooooo much!!!!!!!!


  1. Mazal Tov - a hearty congratulations on your new little human and your 1st Father's Day. We knew it'd be a great experience for you all.

    Sheri, David, Charlotte and Benjamin Knauth

  2. Cheers! It was all that practice with little Charlotte & Benjamin :) Wish David a Happy Father's Day for us.


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