What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Oh no, this can't be good... but, it's so cute!

I have three guys in my life: my amazing husband and love of my life, the precious little boy on the way, and, the most pampered, G (meow), who has been our little muse since we started dating.

AKA: G, Shwin, Schwinner, Gersh, Love Bug
While G is an angel, I'm a bit concerned about how he is going to take to not being our center of attention. For the first couple of weeks, since the crib was delivered, he was a bit confused and hesitant to go into the nursery. Since then he's started roaming in and out of the room, guarding the doorway, finding a cozy hideaway underneath the crib.


Getting back to pampering. Throughout the years, we've tried to accommodate G with a variety of posh sleeping arrangements (you can probably already tell what I'm getting at): store bought pet beds, home-made cat beds- none of which he'll have anything to do with-; but yet, he always seems to find the most comfort nestled, dreaming about all of his little gray men, in the silk duvet bedding of ours.

... I thought so.....

*$Cat-in-the-cradle*$. Well, this certainly cannot be good, and should definitely be discouraged before Ethan finds out his bed has already been taken. At least we know it is super comfortable.

Simple solution: What is one thing that G doesn't like to sleep in?
Answer: a cat bed

Try again.....

It can't possibly be comfortable...
...but, it is certainly cute!!!!!

I know there is already a netting made for this particular issue- obviously, we're not the only ones with a cat who has already warmed up to its future companion. I wonder what else will deter this little guy's ambitions.

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