What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Our Big Boy...

Turned 2.5years old today!!!!!!  Happy 1/2 Birthday, E!  You are still Mommy's Little One.
Yes, I still called Daddy at work while I was driving home from the mall to remind him that our big boy was just about to turn 2.5years old in 36minutes. I can't believe that he is going to be 3 in six months.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


 What could they be...
 ...but THING 1 and THING 2!!!!!!!  (from Cat-in-the-Hat)
They had this costume already picked out for them before C. was born ;)  And, the names stick- sometimes refer to them as such- Ha.
 Thing 2 reminded me of a Cabbage Patch Kid ;)
 A Special Treat!
Daddy got to join in on this year's Trick-or-Treat fun.
 Mommy & Thing 2.
He stayed awake for the first couple of houses, then fell fast asleep.
No, that's not the flash missing from this pic, but darkness setting in.
We were actually out for over an hour this year!  Ethan was having THE BEST OF TIMES and we just kept going until he was 'done'.
 Found these perfect match treat bags a few months back while we were vacationing in Wisconsin.
 These socks were also a perfect find.
Too cute.
 We enjoyed some pizza, treats and these cupcakes E. helped to decorate.
For all the candy he got, Thing 1 has managed to go another year without wanting candy.
(I'm putting off letting him have candy for three reasons: he's sweet enough, if he's anything like Mommy & Daddy he'll be a candy addict, and for the sake of his pearly whites- Ha.). 
He was also big into sharing this year- he gave candy back to people, and he collected a bag of candy for his cousin after he wanted to head home.  Way too sweet!  (Mommy & Daddy were very proud of him.)

**have a video, but having issues uploading it.  Hopefully have it uploaded soon.**
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