If you could just stay little...
...and full of grins & giggles....
....snuggle in my arms for a little bit longer...
...If I could cherish...
...your every intricate, tiny detail...
...then in these moments feel eternal bliss.
(Like a bowl full of jelly)
Happy 4th Month Birthday, C!!!!
I've been Bumbo'd, and I'm loving every minute of it!!
(Thanks Miss Tiff and Eli! E loves it too)
At 4 Months, I:
*Can hold my toys and paci for just a little bit longer.
* Love to sit up and look around, especially to watch what my big brother is up to.
*Can pick up my paci and bring it to my mouth, sometimes, except that I'm not really into my paci.
*I'm really into slurping on my fingers, and seem to have some of my mom's affection for my handy-dandy thumb.
*Like to suck on toys (maybe I'll begin teething soon).
* Grin and giggle for everyone.
* Began laughing this month, much to Mom's amusement, specifically every time she wants to change my clothes. It tickles!!
*Love talking to everyone. I'm full of 'coos'
* Adore my big brother and grow a big grin the second I hear him or he walks into the room.
* Do tummy-time occasionally, and Big Brother is such a help in bringing me 'baby' toys to look at. Sometimes he even joins me on the floor.
* Just started sitting up in the stroller sometimes (with support).
*I'm wearing size2 diapers, but, Mom, I really need to be in size3.
* Am an awesome sleeper, though Mom has been in the fits lately because I've been waking up more than once between 7:00-7:00 the past week. Say it with me, "Growth Spurt!!".
* Even take a good nap around 12:30-3:00ish, and Mom usually gets 1-2hours of 'I don't know what she would do without us up time' (READ: HOUSEWORK) with both of us brothers napping at the same time. Plus I am always sneaking in little siestas throughout the day.
*Still love Mommy's milk, but with me almost wearing 9MONTH clothing, I'm wanting to chug an extra 2 bottles a day!
*Am always so easy-going, and Mommy just adores that about me!