Colin's 2nd Month photo
I'm in love with our dear Colin! He is such a cuddly, sweet boy, and a wonderful baby.
Unfortunately, because of the fire, we will never have a one-month rocker photo for him. I intended to take that photo the week of the fire.
C's new rocker- it matches perfectly with his bedding.
The outfit is one that we lost in the fire, but I bought a new one. I have high hopes that we'll have little grandsons who can wear it one day.
Oh my, oh no, is that a bit of red in the hair mommy and daddy see?!
He resembles his brother, but lighter complexion, less hair/different hair line, mommy's nose, and longer limbs. I'm so excited to watch them grow and see all their differences and similarities.
I'm just in love with our two precious boys!!!!!
Little toesies.
Oh my goodness, has dear Colin become a bit of a flirt!
His smile is so contagious- it encompasses his whole face, and his eyes smile just like his daddy's.
I love the little stretches.
He's got the whole world in his hands...
This little one came into our world right before one of the most trying times in our lives, and it is an incredible blessing that he arrived a week early, and not two weeks later.
I'm so glad that he is such an easy baby- he has given me the time to spend with his big brother to help him adapt to all the changes not only just as a growing family, but also through all this heartache. I look at him and I realize that he is too young to even know the home he came to from the hospital. All he knows is that home is where Mommy & Daddy are, and that he is taken care of, and cherished. And, I realize that this is all anyone needs to feel 'at home'.